Professional truckers are vital to company

The professional men and women who drive for Hobby Lobby play a vital role in the success of the company. Any time of the day or night, Hobby Lobby trucks are traveling coast to coast with on-time deliveries well exceeding the industry average.
Of the company’s 526 drivers, approximately 400 are team drivers. Many of these are husband and wife teams–but all the drivers share the same commitment of taking care of the stores.
With drivers living in 35 states, Hobby Lobby’s Transportation Department coordinates routes so drivers can get home to their families. A driver from Idaho can be matched to a store in Idaho. They get home to Idaho at the same store and at the same time every week. Serving the same store every week enables relationships to be built. Drivers and store associates know each other by name and stores often plan their Christmas party so their drivers can attend.
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is September 10-16. This week, and every week, we honor the outstanding Hobby Lobby drivers who deliver goods safely, securely and on time.
Of the company’s 526 drivers, approximately 400 are team drivers. Many of these are husband and wife teams–but all the drivers share the same commitment of taking care of the stores.
With drivers living in 35 states, Hobby Lobby’s Transportation Department coordinates routes so drivers can get home to their families. A driver from Idaho can be matched to a store in Idaho. They get home to Idaho at the same store and at the same time every week. Serving the same store every week enables relationships to be built. Drivers and store associates know each other by name and stores often plan their Christmas party so their drivers can attend.
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is September 10-16. This week, and every week, we honor the outstanding Hobby Lobby drivers who deliver goods safely, securely and on time.