Hobby Lobby founder encourages a life of extraordinary generosity

In his second book, Giving It All Away… And Getting It All Back Again, Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green credits the success of his family business to his parents’ legacy, which emphasized faith, a strong family, and generous living. Green shares principles that have guided him in growing a business from scratch, weathering a Supreme Court case, raising a loving family, and leaving them a lasting legacy.
Hobby Lobby began in Green’s garage in 1970 and is now the largest privately owned arts and crafts retailer in the world, employing 32,000 people and operating more than 750 stores in forty-seven states. Green’s approach to giving has evolved as his faith guided him through recessions, legal challenges, personal struggles and unanticipated successes. Over the years, he developed a passion for helping families, business leaders and entrepreneurs consider what it means to live generously and leave a lasting legacy regardless of income; Giving It All Away shares those insights with readers.
Giving It All Away…And Getting It Back Again will spur readers to examine their own lives and challenge them to leave a legacy that goes deeper than money.
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Hobby Lobby began in Green’s garage in 1970 and is now the largest privately owned arts and crafts retailer in the world, employing 32,000 people and operating more than 750 stores in forty-seven states. Green’s approach to giving has evolved as his faith guided him through recessions, legal challenges, personal struggles and unanticipated successes. Over the years, he developed a passion for helping families, business leaders and entrepreneurs consider what it means to live generously and leave a lasting legacy regardless of income; Giving It All Away shares those insights with readers.
“My journey into generosity has shown me two important things, among others,” writes Green. “First, generosity has a starting point. You don’t just wake up one day and poof, you’re generous. It begins with a decision to steward your resources with a heavenly mindset. Second, generosity depends not on how much money we have but on the posture of our hearts.”In 2010, Green and his wife Barbara took the Giving Pledge, a commitment by the world's wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy. His first book, More Than a Hobby, was published in 2005.
Giving It All Away…And Getting It Back Again will spur readers to examine their own lives and challenge them to leave a legacy that goes deeper than money.
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