Celebrating Independence Day

Hobby Lobby commemorates Independence Day with a full-page ad in newspapers and through social media. The July 4th ad features a large flag and Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,” as well as quotes from former presidents, supreme court justices, founding fathers, Congress and others. Each quote emphasizes the relevance of God and the Bible in the fabric of American life.
Hobby Lobby runs holiday messages at Christmas, Easter and on the Fourth of July. “These ads don’t include sale items or special pricing,” said company president, Steve Green. “We just want to let people know that we love our Lord, and we love our country.”
Since 1997, these full-page ads have appeared in hundreds of newspapers across the country. Thousands of people view and share the messages online.
As with previous ads, Hobby Lobby partners with Need Him Ministry to invite anyone who would like to know Jesus as Lord and Savior to contact chataboutjesus.com. The ad also offers a free Bible for mobile devices at mardel.com/bible.
Download this year’s ad or to view previous ads.
Steve Green tells the story of the company’s history of publishing holiday ads in his book Faith in America.